Ideallic, Open Track Team 3

Buying our beeswax cloth can also help to save the World! This reusable cloth can replace single-use clingfilm and thus reduce the amount of waste. Cloths we used are the leftover cotton cloths. Are you still thinking of bringing which bag to hang out? We now have the best choice for you, handmade denim tote bag with plenty of space to put whatever you like! Come buy one and you’ll find your favourite one~ Let’s make the World an”Ideallic”one!

以高質親膚棉布搭配食用級蜜蠟—打造出多功能於一身的蜜蠟布,更有重用嘅特性,代替一次性嘅保鮮紙,既環保又實用。又可以保鮮,又可以裝食物,一舉兩得!出街仲諗緊帶咩袋呀?鄧鄧鄧鄧我哋而家有最好嘅選擇,牛仔拼布喺條街度唔會同人撞款,夠晒特別,容量超大laptop textbook乜都裝得晒。又美觀又實用仲唔快啲嚟買返個!