Serendipity, Newman Catholic College

The appearance and slogan of this bottle are designed by us. The light-blue colour of the bottle is unpretentious and unique, and the bottle cap’s milky-white surface is like a beautiful ripple, full of distinctiveness. ”There is no failure except in no longer trying.” — this famous quotation from Elbert Hubbard is printed onto the body of the bottle. We believe it is inspirational and can encourage customers to achieve their goals with determination. The bottle holders are all woven by us using only hemp ropes. This type of product is relatively fresh and uncommon, and we hope it will attract more attention. Furthermore, each bottle holder is matched with a ‘Live In The Moment’ keychain, which is also designed by us and spreads the concept of facing life positively.

水樽的外形及標語由本公司設計,天藍色的外表顏色平淡而不平庸,令人感覺到視覺上的舒服,而杯蓋上不只是一塊乳白色的平面,而是像水波漣漪一樣,與眾不同。水樽上印有Elbert Hubbard 的一句名言—“There is no failure except in no longer trying.” ,希望籍此鼓勵消費者追求理想目標時,不要言敗,不要放棄,勇於付出行動。而杯套是我們公司成員用麻繩親手編織而成,純手工製作,在市面上比較新穎、罕見,希望能夠吸引消費者的眼光。此外,我們更會在杯套上配上一個鑰匙扣「活在當下」,宣揚積極面對生活的觀念。鑰匙扣由本公司設計,再去訂制。