Rs, Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Secondary School

Our company’s tenet is to reborn wasted materials.Each product is unique.Our products include wooden clocks and glass bottle glycerin light.The wooden clock is a DIY clock made of wasted wood. The numbers are made by environmentally friendly materials.The clock is coloured by poster color.Although the cost is not high,it is practical.In addition,the glass bottle glycerin lights are made by wasted bottles.The glass bottles are filled with colourful lighting,every bottle is different.Customers can put our products on the table for decoration.

我們公司的宗旨是加工廢棄物料,每個產品都是獨一無二的,我們的產品有木頭鐘和玻璃樽燈飾。木頭鐘是由圓木加工而成的 DIY 時鐘,數字以環保材料代替,表面由廣告彩填色,雖然成本不高但實用。另外,玻璃樽燈飾也是由我們加工而成,而且是經過我們在玻璃回收筒收集,顯得更加珍貴,玻璃樽裏面裝有五光十色的燈飾。顧客可以將產品放在書枱,作裝飾用途。