CANTO +, Diocesan Boys’ School

Welcome everyone, we are Canto +. We provide a plethora of daily accessories for you to purchase. We have nostalgic and practical Hong Kong Memory multi-purpose pouches ; exquisitely made pictureque Hong Kong Passion Postcards with Hong Kong traditional landmarks on them ; intricately designed yet low-profile thermal Hong Kong Energy Stainless Steel Water Bottles ; and also waterproof and shock-proof HK Life Laptop Bags. I’m sure you’ll find these entrancing products extremely alluring and attractive. Come and purchase them all before they get sold out.

我哋 Canto + 在此為各位提供多款日用品選購,幫大家打打氣。我們有外表懷舊而實用嘅 香港回憶 • 多功能迷你袋 ;有精美吸引,充滿香港特色嘅 香港熱血 • 明信片 ;又有設計細膩而低調嘅保溫 香港活力 • 不銹鋼水瓶 ;亦有防水防震嘅 香港人生 • 電腦袋 。有咁多又靚又實用嘅商品喺度,我諗大家一定睇到心喐喐,唔好諗喇,快嚟買曬返去,令你生活過得更輕鬆順利!